
Post graduate studies

Nowadays I'm studying my second year of Journalism and if i think about my post graduate studies, the first thing that comes to my mind is culture.  I have always been interested in cultural management and from journalism i can contribute a lot in the development of culture. I would love for people to learn more about how to access this. In a postgraduate course there are several topics that are involved. An important thing to learn is management as such and everything that involves. Learn a little about accounting, administration, marketing and about how to finance cultural projects. My dream is study this abroad, specifically in Barcelona because is one of the cities cradle of culture and i really would love to know this city like the palm of my hand. It would be very nice to go with my sister, since she is interested in studying the same thing as me but from another career. I would like to study with blended system to able to work at the same time. I am interested in work

Free topic: the use of the camera

I have always liked photography. My father is an amateur of analog photography and since I was little he kept me close to the world of cameras. When i joined journalism I never thought I would learn to use a camera well, much less manage to get good pictures.  Last semester i took the course "photojournalism" and it was a very good experience. I learned how to handle the camera settings and functions. I learned how important is the light level to get good photos. I also knew the camera accessories and what they are used for. The work i liked the most was one in wich we had to photograph portraits of people. It was very interesting, and difficult, look for people who agree to be photographed, but my friend helped me and posed for me. Here is a good friend called José Tomás. He is studying music and he had a band called Choclo. Another interesting job was to interview a journalist and photograph her. A fter much insistence,  i managed to contact Mónica Rincón a

The radio: my dream job

I am studing Journalism in the Universidad de Chile, in Santiago. When i think about the future i t’s difficult to think about what job i would like to do, because there are so many options and i really like most of them!  I think work in the radio it’s my dream. When i was little, i always play with my cousin and we thought we had a radial program. I expect that the job requires me to do outdoor  reports. I would like to do this job because i think the radio is the most massive media and it’s everywhere. You can go anywhere listening to the radio. I would like travel a lot doing this job, especially for music. I would love to be able to travel to different concerts around the world and to be able to do live programs from different places. I would need a lot of skills to do this job. First of all, I need a good and loud voice. I will have to be aware of what happens in Chile and abroad, and study different types of musicians and his story. That will be great! I thi

Last holidays

The best place i've ever stayed is a national park called Pumalin. It is in southern of Chile, located in the Palena province, X region. Is in the middle of the nature and there are many places for doing trekking. Is a public park and it contains  campgrounds, trails, information centers, and other public facilities. I went there in the middle of my trip to Carretera Austral with my friends on last february, and stayed there in camping for five days. The most beautiful view that i remember is in a volcano called Michimahuida. It is a  24 km round trip and it took us 10 hours. On the top is a huge glaciar and there you can look other volcano called Chaitén. That trail was hard but also beautiful. This holidays was the best so far because i really like to do things related to nature and in this opportunity i could really connect with nature.  I listened to sounds of nature that i had never heard before and found forests to have moments of personal writing.

New career and new hobbie

When i left school, i didn't  know what to do with my life, so by discard i decided to study commercial engineering. I was there for three years and then i realized that i really didn't like it. In 2015 i decided to study journalism so i get here. I think in this career i can combine things that i like a lot: other people's stories, music and writing. In this year and a half i have fulfilled two of the three things i mentioned before, but i had left the music away. That's why i decided to reintegrate music into my life. I like music a lot and listen to it in every activity i do, so i have decided to create music by myself. Few months ago i decide to play a new musical instrument: the ukulele. I used to play guitar in school but I left behind four years ago. This is my ukelele and I have it more than a month ago. I think it's easier to play than the guitar but the difficulty is that you don't have so many space for fingers or my fingers are a little