The radio: my dream job

I am studing Journalism in the Universidad de Chile, in Santiago. When i think about the future it’s difficult to think about what job i would like to do, because there are so many options and i really like most of them! 

Resultado de imagen para radioI think work in the radio it’s my dream. When i was little, i always play with my cousin and we thought we had a radial program. I expect that the job requires me to do outdoor  reports.

I would like to do this job because i think the radio is the most massive media and it’s everywhere. You can go anywhere listening to the radio. I would like travel a lot doing this job, especially for music. I would love to be able to travel to different concerts around the world and to be able to do live programs from different places.

I would need a lot of skills to do this job. First of all, I need a good and loud voice. I will have to be aware of what happens in Chile and abroad, and study different types of musicians and his story. That will be great!

I think that in my first job the salary doesn't matter. I want to enrich myself with experiences. For now, my personal plans are to train me professionally and then to study a postgraduate course, hopefully abroad.

In the future, i'am thinking of taking a postgraduate in cultural management. I am very interested in the world of the arts and how to get the most out of them, for society and its cultural wealth.

Another thing that I am very interested in doing in the future is to bring journalism closer to children. That they are interested in the world around them and that they can create material to communicate this in their communities.


  1. It's great that with your cousin, you had a radial program. Sounds so funny.
    I think I would enjoy to work in a radio too, because is job that allows to develop different abilities and the capacity of improvise.

  2. I love the idea of bringing journalism closer to children! I think it would help a lot to have active and informed people in the future.

  3. I admire you because I dónt have the habilities for example improvise because it´s too difficult for me, but you have to take advantage of that, and I'm sure you'll be an excellent voiceover and professional, plus you have voice for radio


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