Post graduate studies

Nowadays I'm studying my second year of Journalism and if i think about my post graduate studies, the first thing that comes to my mind is culture. I have always been interested in cultural management and from journalism i can contribute a lot in the development of culture. I would love for people to learn more about how to access this.

In a postgraduate course there are several topics that are involved. An important thing to learn is management as such and everything that involves. Learn a little about accounting, administration, marketing and about how to finance cultural projects.

My dream is study this abroad, specifically in Barcelona because is one of the cities cradle of culture and i really would love to know this city like the palm of my hand. It would be very nice to go with my sister, since she is interested in studying the same thing as me but from another career.

I would like to study with blended system to able to work at the same time. I am interested in working to be able to travel at the same time and be able to know as much as i can.

I like the idea of continuing studying and being able to obtain more tools to apply them in my country. I have a vocation for public service and even more if it is related to spread the cultural spaces that are given every day in the city.

I hope that what I have learned during these years is a good basis to face new challenges.


  1. Culture is a very interesting area and it is a pity that they do not take that much importance. I'm sure you'll do very well in any area of journalism :)


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