New career and new hobbie

When i left school, i didn't  know what to do with my life, so by discard i decided to study commercial engineering. I was there for three years and then i realized that i really didn't like it. In 2015 i decided to study journalism so i get here.

I think in this career i can combine things that i like a lot: other people's stories, music and writing. In this year and a half i have fulfilled two of the three things i mentioned before, but i had left the music away. That's why i decided to reintegrate music into my life.

I like music a lot and listen to it in every activity i do, so i have decided to create music by myself. Few months ago i decide to play a new musical instrument: the ukulele.

I used to play guitar in school but I left behind four years ago. This is my ukelele and I have it more than a month ago. I think it's easier to play than the guitar but the difficulty is that you don't have so many space for fingers or my fingers are a little big.

In this first time i have learned about seven songs well enough. I learned songs from Oasis, Camila Moreno, Mon Laferte and others musicians i like so much. I still can't play and sing at the same time, but I hope to achieve it with many practice and perseverance.

To play an instrument is a good therapy and distraction for routine. For me is the best part of the day and can spend hours but for me it will never be enough, because music always gives a touch of happiness to my days.

I recommend you to play an instrument or do something that you really like to learn and practice.

Today i'm doing what i like, and i'm enjoying it. In the future i will be grateful for the decisions i have made in recent years, especially to find something that combines what i most like.


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