
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2017

Last holidays

The best place i've ever stayed is a national park called Pumalin. It is in southern of Chile, located in the Palena province, X region. Is in the middle of the nature and there are many places for doing trekking. Is a public park and it contains  campgrounds, trails, information centers, and other public facilities. I went there in the middle of my trip to Carretera Austral with my friends on last february, and stayed there in camping for five days. The most beautiful view that i remember is in a volcano called Michimahuida. It is a  24 km round trip and it took us 10 hours. On the top is a huge glaciar and there you can look other volcano called Chaitén. That trail was hard but also beautiful. This holidays was the best so far because i really like to do things related to nature and in this opportunity i could really connect with nature.  I listened to sounds of nature that i had never heard before and found forests to have moments of personal writing.

New career and new hobbie

When i left school, i didn't  know what to do with my life, so by discard i decided to study commercial engineering. I was there for three years and then i realized that i really didn't like it. In 2015 i decided to study journalism so i get here. I think in this career i can combine things that i like a lot: other people's stories, music and writing. In this year and a half i have fulfilled two of the three things i mentioned before, but i had left the music away. That's why i decided to reintegrate music into my life. I like music a lot and listen to it in every activity i do, so i have decided to create music by myself. Few months ago i decide to play a new musical instrument: the ukulele. I used to play guitar in school but I left behind four years ago. This is my ukelele and I have it more than a month ago. I think it's easier to play than the guitar but the difficulty is that you don't have so many space for fingers or my fingers are a little